Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cabbage Hands, a reduction print in progress

Cabbage Hands in Yellow
Linoleum block print -- two blocks, four colors
8" X 10"

Here's how I did it:

First I carved out all the white areas -- background, cabbage veins, fingernails. 
Then I printed flesh color.

I decided I wanted the option of printing a colored background, so I had to carve a new block for that as I'd already carved out the background on the first block. I printed the background in four colors -- yellow, blue, green, and silver. 

Then I carved out the hands on the first block and printed purple.

I decided that the purple was too dark so I reprinted it in a lighter color.  
Finally I printed the black key block.

This is just the black key block.

Cabbage Hands in Blue
Linoleum block print -- two blocks, four colors
8" X 10"

Cabbage Hands in Silver
Linoleum block print -- two blocks, two colors
8" X 10"

Cabbage Hands in White
Linoleum block print -- one block, three colors
8" X 10"

BTW, that's Tom's home-grown cabbage and, of course, his hands!


Unknown said...

I like he way you didi this linoleum print! My friend a writer at domyhomework.today is fond of making prints. He does some from time to time though they're not as good as yours.

Leslie Moore said...

Thanks Riley!

Unknown said...

Nice, Thank you.
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