Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Washington Post reviews All My Dogs

Today Yvonne Zipp of The Washington Post reviewed All My Dogs, along with three other books about dogs, in "Four Books About Canine Friends." Here's what she had to say about All My Dogs:
Pushcart Press founder Bill Henderson had the sound idea of chronicling his life through the dogs who shared it, and All My Dogs (Godine, $19.95) handily wins Best in Show. From Trixie, who taught him “to play without ceasing,” to tragic Ellen and Rocky, Henderson honors each one. Sophie, an adopted Labrador, saved his second marriage and watched his daughter grow up. “Opie was a rescue beagle — rescuing not him but rather his elderly owners.” Patient Lulu helped Henderson when he had cancer diagnosed. Accompanied by lovely drawings by Leslie Moore, memoirs like this don’t happen along very often.
Click here to read the whole review.

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