Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My First Farmers' Market!

New this year, the Brooksville Farmers' Market is the place to be on Tuesday mornings from 9:00-11:00. There you'll find fresh, organic, locally grown fruits and vegetables, flowers, goat cheese, blueberry muffins, whole grain bread, pork sausages, wooden spoons, jewelry, soap, live music, and NOW PenPets greeting cards, calendars, and books! Yep! I've attended my first farmers' market and it was lots of fun! Usually it's held outdoors, but this morning it was inside our Community Center due to the downpour. Tom made me a lovely pine rack to display my cards and I took 20 different images of farm animals -- all fresh, organic, and mostly local! I also had my "Dog Days Birthday Calendars" and my children's book, "How to Catch a Lobster" for sale, and I gave away lots of bookmarks and brochures. I had a steady stream of customers for two solid hours, lots of positive comments about my work, and lots of sales! So I'll be there again next Tuesday. I hope the sun will be shining by then!

1 comment:

Archie and Melissa said...

congratulations leslie!
how can i buy some cards? i would love to!