Kate, a Border Collie6" X 10" woodcut
I had the privilege of watching Kate in action the year I volunteered at Overlook Farm, the Northeast Learning and Livestock Center for Heifer Project International, in Rutland, Massachusetts. During a year’s sabbatical from teaching high-school English (1993-1994), I spent one day a week happily slopping hogs, fattening turkeys, milking goats, and admiring Kate. I also drew a calendar of farm animals and Kate was Miss December.

Miss December
8" X 10" pen and ink
Kate was a canine cyclone of centripetal force. She was absolutely focused on her efforts to keep Overlook Farm’s diverse flock in line—sheep, goats, cows, a team of water buffalo, llamas, a camel, even the occasional errant hog, who probably outweighed her by a good 300 or 400 pounds. Kate executed her duties with determination, intelligence, and aplomb. Few of her furry charges could withstand the intensity of her unwavering stare. Neither could many humans. When she wasn’t busy bossing the farm animals around, Kate insisted on playing soccer with any two-footed minion she could corral. She was a fierce competitor! No mere two-footer ever scored against her.
I carved this woodblock of Kate thinking I’d submit it to the Common Ground Country Fair poster contest. Then I read their size preferences and realized that mine were way off. So, back to the cutting board! I’m about ready to embark on a new idea. Stay tuned for future woodcuts!