Monday, December 27, 2010


5" X 7" colored pen & ink

I almost forgot this Christmas present I drew for Riley, my fur-nephew. He's a "white" golden retriever, although it's a bit hard to tell in this pose.

Here' Riley's brother, Logan, a Bernese Mountain Dog, reading the book I sent him for Christmas:

And Riley, looking a bit cleaner and oh-so studious, reading "Pierrot, Dog of Belgium," too!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Commissions

Anna Luzia
5" X 7" pen & ink

8" X 10" pen & ink

5" X 7" pen & ink with color

Drake & Ruger
8" X 10" colored pen & ink

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Extra Calendars!

4" X 10"

This year's cast of characters.

Sample Page

Every year I pick the best of PenPets and make calendars – always a “Dog Days” calendar, sometimes a “Cats” calendar, too. I send them to the pin-ups’ people as well as to family and friends. It’s a combined Christmas/New Years card/present. This year I printed 50 too many calendars, I spent more on the color cover, and I paid a king’s ransom in postage. It’s made me reconsider this Christmas tradition. I don’t think I can afford to continue mailing out calendars. Maybe I’ll make a special card next year and leave it at that.

Meanwhile, I have 50 extra “Dog Days 2011.” Let me know if you want one ($10 + $1 for S&H) or if you have any good ideas about what to do with the extras. I have them for sale in two local stores.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Early Christmas

I received not one, but two T-shirts and a bag in the mail today. They're from the American Water Spaniel 2010 National Specialty & Hunt Test held in New London, Wisconsin, last summer. The club celebrated its 25th anniversary with my portrait of an American Water Spaniel. I'm thrilled to have the T-shirts, and look who's commandeered the bag. Kinsey thinks it will be perfect for her Christmas trip to Massachusetts. Not that she's much of a bird dog, but she does terrorize the squirrels who raid our bird feeders. 

Thanks Mary!