Friday, January 29, 2010

Another PenPets First—Ferrets!

Bonnie and Clyde
10" X 8" pen and ink

Meet Bonnie and Clyde—a couple of free-wheeling ferrets designed just for getting into trouble! This dynamic duo lives in quite the commodious ferret accommodations—hammocks, tunnels, tubes, the works!—in Indianapolis. However, they frequently get the run of the house as well. Watch out! On the loose, Bonnie and Clyde break laws with as much impunity as—well—a couple of bank-robbers! Bonnie is the ringleader. She ferrets out the fun, while Clyde, who’s more mellow, watches her back. Not to be outdone by Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty, this Bonnie and Clyde have starred in their own YouTube flicks. Two of them! Click here and here to see them fight their ways out some incredibly tight spots. And, don't worry! These ferret flicks are cliff hangers, but nobody dies in the end.

Business is booming, so stay tuned for portraits of Marley and Kingsley, Missy and Meghan, and Cuzco. I'll leave you in suspense about the species.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Etsy Treasury

Fence Sitter & Friend

One of my drawings has been included in an Etsy Treasury called "Goats, goats, goats!" chosen by Caitlin Sainio.  "Like all your drawings," Caitlin wrote to me, "this one is fabulous, and that odd couple makes me smile everytime I see it." Hurry and check this Treasury out because it expires this Tuesday afternoon. I love the charcoal drawing by Mary Shira in the collection. See what you think!

Caitlin included one of my cat drawings in another Treasury last September. Thank you, Caitlin!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


7" X 5" pen and ink

Here's Sassy! My first portrait of the year. I've not met Sassy and I don't know what breed, or combination of breeds, she is -- Boston Terrier? Boxer? Border Collie? Pitbull? -- but I feel sure that she's full of personality and pizazz. In a word -- SASSY!